This is the age of entrepreneurs, many people have turned their dreams into reality with hard work. You too can achieve your dreams with right planning and knowledge.
So if you are having a new business idea and you are lacking funds then let’s talk about what you can do in this case, first of all let’s have a look at the different sources from where you can arrange your funds probably-

  • ANGEL INVESTORS- Is a person or sometimes a group who invests in the new small business in return for a share in the project's ownership. The benefits of working with Angel investors are that they are accomplished individuals who have a good knowledge about the market and will share some precious advice with you regarding your business to make it more successful. A particular disadvantage can be that you are going to lose some amount of power in decision making of the company.

  • VENTURE CAPITALIST-  Are basically those individuals who will give their money to those businesses only which have a good chance of giving them good returns. The Benefits of this kind of Funding are that a funding from this source will provide your business with a good credibility and you will have your reach increased, which will help you to get in touch with  future investors and partners. A big disadvantage of this kind of Funding is that you will lose a large chunk of shares in your company.

  • BANK LOANS- The benefits with this kind of Funding are that if you are qualified enough you will get your funds very fast but the disadvantages are that if you are taking a loan from bank then there is going to be a lot of documentation, also you have to pay the money bank rather your business success or fails and you have to very carefully  select the correct kind of loan for your project.

  • CROWD FUNDING-  In this method you will get your funds in the form of small amounts of investments made by a huge number of people. The benefits of this funding are that your business could be promoted in this process as in this kind of Funding your idea of business  will be shared with a lot of people via the Internet, your friends and family. Disadvantages are that it’s going to require more time than any other method.

  • GOVERNMENT AGENCIES – There are many government agencies also who provide small business with funds for their growth. Advantage of this funding  is that it will increase your chance for acquiring a bank loan, disadvantage for it is that there is a very strict guideline about who can acquire this funding.

Besides telling you all these methods of funding I will also give you one more advice and that will be to hire a Financial advisor, as they can help you in arranging funds from various sources by giving you the proper ideas of how to represent your business and also how to select the proper source for your funding, the advisor which I will recommend you to hire is ATHMAN.


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